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Facebook Pay-Per-Click Advertising - Does it Work?

On Facebook you can promote your company, product, service and/or Fanpage a number of different ways. Facebook pay-per-click enables you to publish an ad on Facebook. There are different types of Facebook ads that are used for different purposes.

You can use a Facebook ad to directly promote a product or service so that when the user clicks on the ad, they go to your website or a landing page.

Another type of Facebook ad is the "like" ad. With this type of ad, Facebook users can click to "like" your page right from within your ad. This type of ad is used when an organization is trying to build a following on Facebook.

With Google pay-per-click ads, you pay to have your ad appear under different keyword sequences. If someone clicks on the ad, the business pays a "cost-per-click". Facebook pay-per-click ads work in a similar fashion but are much more targeted.

When you advertise on Facebook, not only can you include keywords but also select targeted demographic information that includes age and sex. Only people who are within your target demographic will see your ad. You will only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

Reviews on Facebook pay-per-click ads have been mixed. Some companies have done very well while others have not. Some feel that promoting their Facebook Fanpages using Facebook pay-per-click is easier than promoting a service.

One thing that does well on Facebook pay-per-click is contest promotions. A travel company promoting a travel contest or deal is an example of a service that would be well received on Facebook.

Facebook has its own audience. The Facebook user is coming online to see what their friends have been up to, check and share photos and more. The Facebook user logs in, in a casual state of mind, so the Facebook Fanpages that perform the best are ones that carry a positive theme or message.

Before you spend $1 on pay-per-click, you must first determine who your target audience is and the most effective strategy/message to get conversions. Often a company's message or theme is the reason they see slow progress on Facebook not because Facebook is not a fantastic advertising medium.
